

Meeting the Family

On Friday, we arrived back in Kraśnik, finally ending our driving adventure around Poland. We'd spent the last night out in Lublin, in a really cool little B&B right in the old city, so it was a quick 45 minute drive back to her home.

We got there right in time for a dinner with her family. Her father and aunt had spent all day preparing a huge feast of a meal. Her brother Tomek joined us, and so did her father's parents. So, I got to meet not only her aunt (whose daughter lives with her husband in the Seattle area) but one set of grandparents too. Not much English was spoken, but her grandfather had been practising saying "hello" and "goodbye" in English, and we had great fun with that.

It was a deluxe feast with baked trout, traditional salads, roasted potatoes, and lots of other nice goodies. I ate until I was stuffed to the gills (haha!), and with the wine and beer we also had, it was one of those meals it takes you a few hours to recover from :-) And, truthfully, I was still full the next morning.

Before Ania's grandparents left, I had one little job to do. I had been practising all week asking Ania's father if I could marry her. Yes, very traditional, but I wanted to do it. So, dressed in shirt and tie, I stood up and popped the question (in Polish, no less). His response was positive, and everyone seemd to enjoy the gesture fully. I also spoke for the first time with her mother, who lives in Isreal, on the phone before the meal, and also asked her the same question. Both of them seemed pleased I was going to the effort, and I was pleased with thier responses.

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